Whether you’re a complete beginner or a dedicated yoga student, we’ve got plenty of options to fit your flex.

At Yoga Union Perth, we hold a deep respect for the philosophical values and teachings of classical yoga styles. At the same time, we are determined to make the ancient benefits of the practice accessible and relevant to modern day life.

Class Styles

  • Hatha

    Hatha yoga is well known to Western culture. Translated from Sanskrit ha, meaning "sun," and tha, meaning "moon," points to the idea of uniting and balancing our physical and mental energies.

    Haṭha yoga aims to channel our vital force, or energy, in a healthy way. It is a practice of strength, flexibility, balance skills, as well as meditation and breath control.

  • Vinyasa Flow

    At Yoga Union, we offer two dynamic yoga styles. Our Dynamic classes are a modern take on traditional styles.

    Vinyasa Flow is an energetic and creative class, incorporating smooth and fun transitions between poses, which build up to a peak and then gently bring the body into a deep state of relaxation. You’ll get sweaty, but options are always available!

  • Yin

    A still, meditative practice which guides you to both introspection and deep relaxation.

    The practice is almost entirely floor-based, and you will be supported with cushions, blocks, and other props to tailor the practice to your needs. Yin Yoga supports your connective tissue through enabling relaxation reflex and is great for tight and tired bodies of all shapes and sizes.

  • Restorative Yoga

    The ultimate recharge. Rest in postures for lengthy periods of time and practice self massage techniques using multiple props.

    This class is soothing for the nervous system and guides you to switch off the stress response, tuning in to relaxation.

    This therapeutic practice is ideal for anyone who feels a little worse for wear and needs a break, or suffers from anxiety, stress, or insomnia.

Improve your practice at your own pace, on your own terms with our flexible Class Passes.